If you are struggling in your Marriage or your relationship has recently broken down you may feel as though you are drowning in feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. When a relationship breaks down feelings of rejection, and abandonment can feel overwhelming. Talking to a psychotherapist can help us to understand why we are feeling as we are. This can give us a renewed sense of self-esteem and purpose in our lives.
Are you both bickering or arguing without solving the problems?
Maybe you are having trouble communicating? Perhaps trust has been lost or you are struggling with intimacy? Are there worries with debts or finances that are causing a strain?
All relationships suffer sometimes and the increasing pressures life throws can add further stress leaving you exhausted and depressed, and your relationship in tatters.
It may seem that your relationship or marriage cannot be repaired and that separation is the only option, but talking together with a trained psychotherapist can help you understand and value each other’s beliefs and feelings.
Cork City Psychotherapy offers marriage and relationship therapy, individually or couples in Cork City or online. Contact me now by email ebony@corkcitypsychotherapy.com
or call 087 675 8441
Cork City Psychotherapy Clinic is located at :
Plunkett Chambers Business Centre,
21 -23 Oliver Plunkett Street,
Cork City