Anxiety Therapy
“You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. But you won’t discover this until you are willing to stop banging your head against the wall of shaming and caging and fearing yourself.” Gineen Roth
Anxiety can often feel overwhelming. Talking to a psychotherapist about what is troubling us can help us to cope with difficulties in your life. When we are brave enough to look at and confront all our difficult feelings in a compassionate and friendly way our anxiety often decreases, and our confidence and self-esteem increases.
Anxiety can be caused by a combination of things in our lives; difficult life experiences, problems with relationships, work environments or issues with our physical health. When we analyse what is bothering it helps to break it down into smaller parts that are easier to work on and change to help us live in a more peaceful, and fulfilling way.
Anxiety can be brought about by many things. Some of which include:
- Stressful events to do with our employment or a change of employment
- A change in our living arrangements
- A change in our family arrangements; such as pregnancy, planned or otherwise
- Relationship and family problems
- Post-traumatic-stress brought about by a car accident or disturbing event
- Trauma, either physical, sexual or emotional – this can be carried through from childhood or happening in a current relationship
- Bereavement due to death or loss through divorce / termination of a relationship, of a loved one.

Anxiety can also be due to physical health problems, such as asthma or breathing difficulties, or diabetes.
Sometimes other physical conditions can feel like anxiety, for example an overactive thyroid can cause our heart rate to become raised. It’s important to speak to your GP to find out if there may be a medical reason for your feelings of anxiety.
Anxiety can also go hand in hand with other mental health conditions such as depression, or panic attacks. It can feel overwhelming, but these conditions are very easily treatable when you make a commitment to putting your mental health first.
Some other factors which may exacerbate our anxiety are abusing alcohol and drugs as a way to manage our anxiety. This may feel like a way to cope in the short term but unfortunately this makes our anxiety worse in the long term.
We are all unique and we all have a different way of being and feeling in the world. The most important thing is to speak to someone and get the support that you need to deal with your particular circumstances.
Let's talk, it's the first step ...
Ebony Morey Psychotherapist offers therapy for anxiety from her Psychotherapy clinic in Cork City or online. You can contact Ebony on 087 675 8441 or email